Senin, 12 April 2010


Bu Deswati

Ya.... itulah nama beliau. seorang guru yang telah mengajarkan saya berbagai ilmu dalam bidang komputer. Beliaulah yang memberikan saya banyak inspirasi untuk terus mempelajari ilmu komputer, dan beliau lah yang mengajarkan saya bertapa pentinggnya teknologi itu.
Saya mengucapkan banyak terimakasi kepada beliau Bu Deswati

SMAN 1 Bekasi

SMA Negeri 1 Bekasi,merupakan SMA Negeri pertama yang ada di Bekasi dan diresmikan pada tahun 1963. Dahulu alamatnya berada di Jl. KH Agus Salim no 77. Namun telah berganti menjadi Jl. KH Agus Salim no 181. Sampai tahun 2009 ini, sekitar 44 angkatan alumni telah berhasil lulus dengan jumlah alumninya yang begitu besar. SMA Negeri 1 Bekasi telah mencetak alumni-alumni yang berhasil bersaing di universitas-universitas ternama .

SMA Negeri 1 Bekasi memakai Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan yang saat ini diterapkan di Indonesia. Yaitu :
Irman : di bidang keagamaan Islam
Cyber Community : di bidang teknologi
Fisi Khas 181 : di bidang seni Filateli
Prisma : di bidang majalah
Kansas : di bidang sastra Indonesia
Koperasi Siswa : di bidang koperasi
Pelajar Siaga : di bidang kedisiplinan
PMR : di bidang PMR
Chadika : di bidang Pramuka
Kompi Khusus : di bidang Paskibra
Basket Ball Club : di bidang olahraga Basket
Bulu Tangkis Club : di bidang olahraga Bulu Tangkis
SMANSASI Volley Ball Club : di bidang olaraga Bola Voli
Chess Club : di bidang olahraga Catur
Fc Satoe : di bidang olahraga Sepak Bola
Tennis Meja : di bidang olahraga tenis meja
ECC : di bidang bahasa Inggris
Deutch Club : di bidang bahasa Jerman
Nihon Club : di bidang bahasa Jepang
Inswapala : di bidang Pencinta Alam
Kisma : di bidang sains Ilmu Alam
Merpati Putih : di bidang olahraga Merpati Putih
Moners Taekwondo : di bidang olahraga Taekwondo
Halim 77 : di bidang seni musik
SHOC : di bidang olahraga Hockey
EBO : di bidang seni Hiburan

Acara Tahunan
Hut Chadika
Merupakan lomba yang diselengarakan oleh Pramuka pangkalan SMA Negeri 1 Bekasi dengan tingkat Jawa Barat dan DKI Jakarta. Lomba ini telah diselenggarakan sejak 1996 .
Baby Dunant Competition
Event yang diselenggarakan oleh ekskul PMR ini merupakan lomba PMR dengan tingkat Jabodetabek baik wira maupun madya. adapun lomba yang akan diadakan adalah: LCT(lomba cepat tepat), LGJ(lomba gerak jalan), dan LTTM(Lomba tandu tutup mata)
INOBU (Ichi No Gakkuen Bunkasai)
Merupakan sebuah festival budaya Jepang tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh ekskul Nihon Club yang terdapat di dalamnya Obake (Rumah Hantu), makanan khas Jepang, dan beberapa performance seperti Band Performance, Bon Odori, Taiko, dll. Terdapat juga beberapa kompetisi seperti Doujinshi, Cosplay, Lomba Kana, Cosplay Cabaret, dll.
BOB (Best Of The Best)
Merupakan kegiatan penyaringan siswa berbakat dalam bidang Matematika , Biologi,Kimia,Fisika,Astronomi,Ekonomi,Geosains, dan TIK untuk Olimpiade. Kegiatan ini di motori oleh ekskul KISMA.
Merupakan acara pensi yang bernuansa Islam yang hanya dimiliki SMA Negeri 1 Bekasi. Terdapat berbagai macam lomba yaitu Kaligrafi,LCT,membuat miniatur masjid dll. Acara ini di ikuti siswa/i SMA dan SMP dari berbagai sekolah . Di bawah naungan Ekskul IRMAN.
Green Competition
Ajang kompetisi dimana setiap sekolah mengirim siswa-siswinya berlaga dalam kompetisi lomba lingkungan, diselenggarakan oleh OSIS Sekbid 2. Adapun Umur Green competition yang masih muda . SMA Negeri 1 Bekasi merupakan SMA pertama yang mengadakan lomba tentang lingkungan.

Selasa, 06 April 2010

My First Love

Laki-laki yang memiliki julukan sebagai orang maho di eternity. Maho ? apaan tuh Mau mau mau yang banyak....
hahahahahah tapi sayangnya sekarang udah enggak

Dialah orang yang memberikanku subuah cahaya dalam hidupku, orang yang selalu ada disampingku, orang yang selalu menerima curhatan dari siapapun walau hatinya sedang gundah....
Dia orang yang selalu memberiku semangat dikalau aku jatuh, orang yang selalu menghapus air mataku dikalau aku menangis. Orang yang selalu menyadarkanku dikalau aku salah. Orang yang selalu sabar dengan apa yang terjadi...
Aku tau walau dia selalu terlihat ceria disetiap harinya,namun dia selalu menutupi segala masalah yang sedang terjadi padanya..
Ingin rasanya hati ini membantu, namun aku tak bisa,,, aku hanya dapat membuatnya sedih, aku hanya dapat menambahkan beban pikirannya...
maaf maaf kan aku yang selama ini telah membuatmu sedih....

Dia orang yang selalu mengisi hari-hariku dengan senyum,tawa,dan canda. Kini aku pun menyadari tiada hari tanpa dirinya.

Dialah..... Faisal Rahman

Julian Mcmahon

Date of Birth
27 July 1968, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Birth Name
Julian Dana William McMahon

6' 2½" (1.89 m)

Mini Biography

Julian McMahon was the second of three children born to Sir William and Lady Sonia McMahon. The late Sir William was the former Prime Minister of Australia. Julian studied law at the University of Sydney, but he became bored after one year and began a career in modeling, working primarily in commercials. In 1987, he began print modeling assignments in Los Angeles, New York, Milan, Rome and Paris. His appearance in a TV commercial promoting jeans in his home country made him popular enough to be cast as the lead in "The Power, the Passion" (1989), an Australian "Dynasty"-like series. After 18 months on the series, he starred in "Home and Away" (1988), another successful series, where he won a best actor award from a national magazine.

McMahon later performed on stage, appearing in a musical version of "Home and Away" in Britain as well as in "Love Letters" in Sydney and Melbourne. After a lead role in the feature film Wet and Wild Summer! (1992) with Elliott Gould, he went to Hollywood to read for American projects. In 1992, he was cast as Ian Rain on NBC's daytime drama "Another World" (1964). After two years, he left to appear in several plays in Los Angeles. He also appeared in the feature film Magenta (1996) before landing a role on "Profiler" (1996).

In his free time, McMahon enjoys surfing, biking, and cooking. He is a fan of baseball, football and basketball, and he collects classic books.
IMDb Mini Biography By: Anonymous

Brooke Burns (22 December 1999 - 2001) (divorced) 1 child
Dannii Minogue (2 January 1994 - 1995) (divorced)


Was once quoted in an Australian magazine article as saying that acting was just another job to bring in money.

Has a daughter, Madison (b. June 2000), with Brooke Burns.

Has an older sister Melinda and a younger sister Deborah

Former son-in-law of Carol Minogue. Former brother-in-law of singer/actress Kylie Minogue and Brendan Minogue.

Is fluent in Spanish (as in "Nip/Tuck" (2003) pilot).

Favorite song is "People are Strange" by The Doors.

His character, Cole Turner, was killed off in the landmark 100th episode of "Charmed" (1998). He later returned for a guest appearance in the 150th episode, "The Seven Year Witch".

Attended Sydney Grammar School, a private school in Sydney. Later attended the University of Sydney.

Was being considered to take over the role of James Bond from Pierce Brosnan but lost out to Daniel Craig.

Was listed as a potential nominee on the 2006 Razzie Award nominating ballot. He was suggested in the Worst Supporting Actor category for his performance in the film Fantastic Four (2005); he failed to receive a nomination, however.

Is a militant non-smoker.

Was named "Givenchy Man of the Year" in 1990.

Was listed as one of "Fun Fearless Males" by Cosmopolitan Magazine in 2007.

Was listed as one of "50 Sexiest Men Alive" by People Magazine in 2004.

Won the "Breakthrough of the Year Award" as outstanding male performance for "Nip/Tuck" (2003) in 2003.

Was honored with the "Excellence in Entertainment Award" during the G'Day USA Week in 2008.

Has worked as gardener and ice cream salesman.

His home is the highest house in Hollywood Hills and the closest to the Hollywood sign.

Was rugby player in Rugby Union team and captain of rowing team in Australia.

Got the role of Christian Troy in "Nip/Tuck" (2003) after giving personally an audition tape made in his kitchen to series producers and auditioning six times. The part was initially called "Christian Vega" and was written for a Latin male.

Listed #13 top highest earner (with $6.7 million) on BRW Top 50 Aussie Entertainers List (2008).

Favorite beer is Aussie Victoria Bitter VB.

When he made a guest appearance on "The View" (1997) in October, 2006, he presented a rug to Rosie O'Donnell as a joke. The rug was used in a love scene between the two in the fourth season of "Nip/Tuck" (2003).

Named one of the "25 Most Beautiful People" by Aussie WHO Magazine in 2005.

Celebrated his 40th birthday (July 27, 2008) with some friends in L.A. by taking a pub crawl through the city aboard a London-style, double-decker bus.

Nominated as Television A-List Actor for 2009 Bravo A-List Awards.

Listed #10 Fox Tops Favourite TV Medics for his role on "Nip/Tuck" (2003) (in 2009).

Listed #6 Hottest TV Docs for his role in "Nip/Tuck" (2003) by TV Guide (2009).

He filmed his last episode of "Nip/Tuck" (2003) (landmark 100th episode) on Friday, June 19, 2009.

Personal Quotes

I always look back on Home & Away with fondness, especially when I'm in the UK. But I had no idea what I was doing back then. I just fell into acting. It was only later that I became passionate about it.

I like the oppourtunity to play characters who have these dark sides but make the audience empathise with them. You want them to think there is some kind of sweeter, softer side to it.

There is a wealth of Australian talent in Hollywood right now but we're all pretty busy and it's not as though we're best mates. When we see each other, we say hello.

I've always thought the show should have been simpler than it was, so for me, it was nice to have a little less than what we've been expanding upon for the last number of years

patrick dempsey

Date of Birth
13 January 1966, Lewiston, Maine, USA

Birth Name
Patrick Galen Dempsey

Dr. McDreamy

5' 10½" (1.79 m)

Mini Biography

Actor Patrick Dempsey has lived two charming but separate lives on film and TV. From an exuberant, somewhat awkward charmer in college comedy films of the late 1980s and early 1990s, he has morphed spectacularly into a dreamy, wavy-haired TV hunk of the new-age millennium and this seductive new image has since spilled off into romantic lead roles back on the large screen as a slightly offbeat, self-effacing Prince Charming type.

Irish-American Patrick Galen Dempsey was born on January 13, 1966, in Lewiston, Maine. The youngest of three, his father, William, an insurance agent, and mother Amanda, a school secretary, raised the children in Buckfield (Maine). Patrick, who was diagnosed as dyslexic (he has to fully memorize his scripts), attended St. Dominic Regional High School but dropped out before graduating.

Always interested in entertainment, Patrick studied juggling and entered several competitions. Acting was also a natural for him and at age 15 he earned the role of the rebellious son in a Maine production of "On Golden Pond". Two years later he won a prime role as David, the gay teen, in the Harvey Fierstein play "Torch Song Trilogy," spending several months touring the San Francisco area with the show. In between he found supplementary gigs dancing and juggling. More opportunities came his way after winning the protagonist role of Neil Simon's "Brighton Beach Memoirs" that toured in 1984. Directed by the renowned comedy favorite Gene Saks, Dempsey started looking at the possibility of film work.

He made his movie debit in the secondary part of a Catholic student in the 1960s-era school-age comedy Heaven Help Us (1985) starring "Brat Pack" actor Andrew McCarthy. More silliness followed with Meatballs III: Summer Job (1986) and a ripe turn in the socially aware TV-movie A Fighting Choice (1986) (TV) in which he played an epileptic teen who sues his parents (Beau Bridges and Karen Valentine) in order to have risky brain surgery. Around the same time he found himself in a TV series entitled "Fast Times" (1986), based on the ultimate school-age flick Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982), which made a star out of Sean Penn. Inheriting the Robert Romanus cool guy role of con artist Mike Damone, expectations were far too big and the TV series died a quick death.

His movie career got on a faster track, however, and he scored well co-starring with the worldly Beverly D'Angelo in the movie In the Mood (1987), as a young man who makes headlines pursuing older women. Life resembled art that same year when Patrick married actress and drama coach Rocky Parker, who played a bit part in the film. He was 21 and she was 48. By this time his trademark cuteness and appeal started taking shape. The youthful 21-year old Patrick played a nerd role next in the very funny high school comedy Can't Buy Me Love (1987) with Amanda Peterson and (later Oscar winner) Jennifer Connelly. A movie favorite for many, Patrick had reached the peak of his early career popularity. He showed a more serious side in the WWII-era drama In a Shallow Grave (1988), which presented a Cyrano de Bergerac-like storyline with Patrick as the Christian de Neuvillette counterpart, but then he went straight back to familiar territory with the college-themed comedies Some Girls (1988) with (again) Jennifer Connelly, Loverboy (1989), and Happy Together (1989/I)

Stretching more in the 1990s, Patrick co-starred on stage in a 1991 production of "The Subject Was Roses" (playing the Martin Sheen film role) as the WWII soldier readjusting to civilian life with his parents (Dana Ivey and "Frasier" co-star John Mahoney). Films included the cross-country comedy-drama Coupe de Ville (1990), the action thriller Run (1991), Mobsters (1991), in which he made a stab at playing major Mafioso Meyer Lansky, Face the Music (1993) opposite "Brat Pack" femme Molly Ringwald, the title role in Bank Robber (1993), and the Mark Twain family-geared Ava's Magical Adventure (1994), co-directed by Patrick and wife Rocky. The couple, however, divorced that same year.

On TV Patrick played a young John Fitzgerald Kennedy in the mini-movie J.F.K.: Reckless Youth (1993) (TV), Pierre Arronax in the TV remake of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1997/II) (TV), and Raskolnikov in a small screen version of Crime and Punishment (1998) (TV). The rest of the decade on film was less newsworthy with co-starring or featured movie roles in Hugo Pool (1997), Denial (1998), There's No Fish Food in Heaven (1998) (aka Life in the Fast Lane) and Me and Will (1999).

It was TV that gave Patrick a shot in the arm as he progressed into the new millennium. A recurring role as Will's closeted sportscaster amour in the hit sitcom "Will & Grace" (1998) presented Patrick in a more mature, wry and sexier fashion. Another recurring role in "Once and Again" (1999) earned him a dramatic Emmy nomination in 2001as Outstanding Guest Actor, and a third on "The Practice" (1997) was also extremely well-received. While the romantic comedy film Sweet Home Alabama (2002) opposite Reese Witherspoon really nailed the direction Dempsey was headed, the medical series "Grey's Anatomy" (2005), as neurosurgeon Dr. Derek Shepherd (aka "Dr. McDreamy"), gave distaff audiences the whole heartthrob package. The perfect vehicle to showcase his undeniable charisma and sharp talent for offbeat comedy, he is a two-time Golden Globe nominee and his popularity has absolutely skyrocketed. This reawakening has also swung the door open again on high-profile film offers, registering with the ladies once again in a number of light leading man parts, notably Enchanted (2007) and Made of Honor (2008).

Off-camera, Dempsey married a second time in 1999, to make-up artist and Delux Beauty founder Jill Fink. The couple have three children: daughter, Tallulah Fyfe (born 2002), and twin sons Darby Galen and Sullivan Patrick (born 2007). An avid sports car racer (he has participated in the Indianapolis and Daytona Beach events), he showed off a more humanitarian side when he started the Patrick Dempsey Center for Cancer Hope and Healing in his hometown of Lewiston after his mother developed ovarian cancer. Befittingly, he has produced a sexy men's fragrance line by Avon called "Unscripted".

Hugh Jackman

Date of Birth
12 October 1968, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Birth Name
Hugh Michael Jackman

6' 2" (1.88 m)

Mini Biography

Born in Sydney of English parentage, and the youngest of five children, Jackman has a communications degree with a journalism major from the University of Technology Sydney. After graduating, he pursued drama at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, immediately after which he was offered a starring role in the ABC-TV prison drama "Correlli" (1995), opposite his future wife Deborra-Lee Furness. Several TV guest roles followed, as an actor and variety compere. An accomplished singer, Jackman has starred as Gaston in the Australian production of "Beauty and the Beast." He appeared as Joe Gillis in the Australian production of "Sunset Boulevard." In 1998, he was cast as Curly in the Royal National Theatre's production of Trevor Nunn's Oklahoma. Jackman has made two feature films, the second of which, Erskineville Kings (1999), garnered him an Australian Film Institute nomination for Best Actor in 1999. Recently, he won the part of Logan/Wolverine in the Bryan Singer- directed comic-book movie X-Men (2000). In his spare time, Jackman plays piano, golf, and guitar, and likes to windsurf.

Steven Brand

born: 26th June

Dundee, Scotland, UK
height: 5′11″ (1,80 m)
hair / eyes: brown / blue
parents: Irene (who’s a design draughtswoman) and Arthur
siblings: His brother works with computers, his younger sister is in construction business.

In 2002, having worked extensively in theatre, film and television in the UK, Steven Brand was brought over to the US to star in Universal’s ‘The Scorpion King’ as Memnon, evil warlord and arch nemesis of Mathayus, played by The Rock. Following the success of his debut movie in the US, Steven’s work has included the HBO series ‘The Mind of the Married Man’, Stephen King’s ‘Diary of Ellen Rimbauer’, CSI and more recently starring in the movies ‘Treasure Raiders’ (2006) with David Carradine, ‘Say It In Russian’ (2006) with Faye Dunnaway and ‘XII’ (2007).
Although native to Dundee, Scotland, Steven and his family moved to East Africa when he was young, where they lived for nine years in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. He experienced film for the first time in a drive-in cinema in Kenya.
Steven started acting relatively late, having worked in publishing for a few years before switching careers. However, once he had made the decision, things happened very quickly. He had to leave drama school early to take his first work starring opposite Catherine Zeta Jones in the enormously popular British TV series ‘The Darling Buds of May’. He spent the next few years working consistently in British theatre and television before he was invited to Los Angeles to screen test for The Scorpion King.

* Cricket
When in London Steven occasionally plays cricket for a local cricket club called ‘The Twelve Angry Men’.
* Current location
Steven has homes in London and Los Angeles, but he spends most time living in California.
* Former jobs
In the early 80’s Steven was working for a few months as freelancer for a large UK magazine that was publishing ‘Mobile Communication International’ (a monthly communications industry magazin), but he found out that he couldn’t enjoy doing a regular 8-hours-a-day-5-days-a-week-job and finally concentrated on his acting career.
* Hobbies / interests
Besides cricket Steven’s doing some photography as well as writing and if you should ever visit California, take a look around the L.A. beach, maybe you can see him surfing.
* James Bond
After James Bond performer Pierce Brosnan retired, Steven was considered for the job as new ‘007′ for ‘Casino Royale’ in 2005, but – as everyone might know – they’ve chosen Daniel Craig.
* Kids
We have no information about kids.
* Marital status / partner
Some pages do still list Jacquie O’Sullivan (singer of 80’s girl-band Bananarama) for his partner or even wife, that’s wrong!
* Smoking
He’s smoking in some movies such as ‘The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer’ (cigar), ‘Stone & Ed’ (in the scene where he’s doing the Sheriff) and even in ‘Treasure Raiders’ (although it needs a very close look to see that!) as well as in ‘Mistresses’. You can also see him holding a cigarette in a picture that was taken at the Antaeus Theater.
* Stage appearances
While exploring Europe after his college graduation Steven did short plays and mime shows and played on the streets of Paris before he went back to London to do more fringe theater. He also played in a French play called ‘The Lie’ before he took his first TV role opposite Catherine Zeta-Jones in ‘The Darling Buds of May’.

From October to December 2007 Steven performed in 2 Noël Coward plays at the Antaeus Theater Company in Los Angeles.
* Year of birth
Well, obviously some people have fun in changing Steven’s year of birth on Wikipedia and imdb over and over again. We think: age doesn’t matter!
* More…
Steven hates snakes (he admitted that in an interview with zap2it in April 2002 after he’d done Scorpion King. When being asked: ‘Were you scared of the cobras?’ his answer was: ‘Yeah. Absolutely terrified. I hate snakes. I hate them!’) You can read the complete interview here.

The German voice of ‘Memnon’ is spoken by Frank Glaubrecht who’s also doing the synchronisation for Pierce Brosnan, Kevin Costner and Al Pacino. Voice sample (German) Frank Glaubrecht (from ‘Goldeneye’).

Senin, 22 Maret 2010

Time to Chat !!!

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Senin, 15 Maret 2010

Let's Listen to the Music

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Jumat, 12 Maret 2010

Call Of Duty 2


Minggu, 28 Februari 2010

Cintai Negara Indonesia

Ini bermula ketika, saya masuk SMAN 1 Bekasi. Hari itu merupakan mos pertama saya di SMA. Kebetulan pada tahun ini SMAN 1 Bekasi mendapatkan kesempatan untuk menjadi sekolah pertama di Bekasi yang mendapatkan program Permata Bangsa dari Negara.
Program ini mengajarkan kepada saya tentang mencintai Negara Indonesia. Negara Indonesia merupakan hasil kerja keras para pahlawan terdahulu untuk membebaskan Indonesia dari pejajah selama 3 setengah abad. Mereka rela berkorban demi negaranya tercinta. Mereka rela mati demi membebaskan negaranya dari penjajah.
Negara Indonesia adalah negara yang terkenal dengan sopan santunya, ramah tamahnya, tata kramanya, dan sumber daya alamnya. Namun hal itu berubah, sekarang banyak warga Indonesia yang tidak memiliki sopan santun, ramah tamah, dan tata krama, banyak warga Indonesia yang kehilangan jati dirinya.
  Ini tidak lain dikarenakan adanya pengaruh-pengaruh dari luar yang menggerogoti moral generasi muda. Sekarang banyak generasi mudah yang lebih memilih produk luar dibanding produk dalam negeri, bahkan banyak yang lebih mencintai negara orang dibanding negaranya sendiri. Betapa tidak bergunannya generasi muda apabila hal ini terus berlanjut.
Dengan adanya program permata bangsa ini. Saya pun sadar bahwa masa depan Negara Indonesia ada ditangan generasi muda. Maka kita sebagai generasi muda harus belajar dan banyak berlatih untuk memajukan Negara Indonesia agar menjadi Negara nomer 1 di DUNIA. Karena generasi mudalah yang menentukan akan dibawa kemanakah Negara Indonesia ini kelak.